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Frequently Asked Questions

I earned $40,000 last year and my wife earned $20,000, while taking care of our child. Am I able to claim child care expenses?

Child care expenses must be claimed by the spouse with lower income, which in this example would be your wife.

I am a truck driver, and I want to claim meal expenses. Do I need receipts?

No, you can use the following method to claim meal expenses: You claim three meals per day, for $17 per meal (if you go to the US then you can claim US $17). While you do not need receipts, you will need a TL2 form, signed by your employer.

I use my car for work. What will I need in order to claim its costs as an employment expense?

You will need a signed T2200 form provided by your employer. You should also hold on to all your receipts and keep a detailed log sheet of kilometers you drove for business and personal.

Is it better to buy a car or lease it?

You should keep the following questions in mind when making your decision:


  1. How many miles do you expect to travel? Most leasing companies charge additional fees over a certain mileage. This information will be outlined in the leasing contract.
  2. How long will you keep the vehicle? Do you prefer to change a vehicle after 2-3 years or do you prefer to keep the same vehicle for 5-10 years? A leased car is better for those who prefer to change their vehicle more often.
  3. What is your cash flow and state of credit? A leased car is easier, if you don’t have a lot of cash on hand or have a bad credit rating.
  4. Do you have any court orders against you? If you owe money to other people, or are in the process of a divorce settlement — your assets (which include an owned car) could be seized or distributed.
  5. In terms of a tax perspective, the difference between buying and leasing a car is minimal.
When do I need to pay back a withdrawal from my RRSP, through the Home Buyers’ Plan?

The withdrawn amount has to be repaid over a 15-year period through re-investment in your RRSP, which begins the second year after the withdrawal. The CRA will notify you every year the date by which it has to be repaid and the yearly instalment. If you are unable to repay the investment through your RRSP before the stipulated date, the amount will be added as income for that year.

If I rent out a part of my house, could I lose the principal residence status for it?

You are allowed to rent a minor part of your house and maintain this status, however you should not claim capital cost allowance on your house (with the rented-out part in mind).

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